A semi-chronological photo story of the MFAs’ trip to Joshua Tree.

The lovely 29 Palms Inn gift shop. Photo by Candice Navi.

A “choose your own adventure” stop sign found at the Inn. Photo by Candice Navi.

As the sun set on the first evening in the desert, a get-together formed in the guest house backyard. Photo by Yingyi Zhu.

Candice Navi and Taimin Ahn hang out. Photo by Yingyi Zhu.

David Caterini positively glows in the half-orb light. Photo by Yingyi Zhu.

Meanwhile, Xuanyi Lin, Shibo Chen, and Fanyi Yu were part of the team in the kitchen that did all of the work for dinner (thanks again). Photo by Yingyi Zhu.

Yuchen Liu does some serious chopping. Photo by Yingyi Zhu.

This is the part where we went through a narrow cave-ish area and it was kind of hard and scary. Photo by Stuart Smith.

Conny Cavazos conquers the rock. Photo by Colin Frazer.

Taimin keeps it fresh. Photo by Colin Frazer.

Yuchen, Shibo, and Aisha Alkinaey create a human sculpture with the sun. Photo by Yuchen Liu.

Yuchen, Shibo, and Xiyu look really cool. Photo by Yuchen Liu.

Emma Berliner goes off in search of some unique wildlife. Photo by Colin Frazer.

She’s found it! A rare spotting of Aren. Photo by Stuart Smith.

Later, the group enjoys some pre-Integratron hammock time. Photo by Colin Frazer.

Candice in front of the dome mirror. Photo by Candice Navi.

Alien Integratron art. Photo by Colin Frazer.

The presence of the Venusians was strong here. Photo by Colin Frazer.

The inside of the dome before our sound bath experience (featuring Colin’s feet). Photo by Colin Frazer.

One of the dome’s many windows. Photo by Colin Frazer.

The bowls that were played during the sound bath I don’t remember because I fell asleep. Photo by Colin Frazer.
Not pictured: the post-Integratron trivia game and design activity Michael spent a lot of time making. Also, all the pizza I ordered from Two Guys Pies.
Special thanks to Yuchen Liu, Candice Navi, Yingyi Zhu, Colin Frazer, and Stuart Smith for taking photos and responding to my emails.