BFAs organize the annual T-Shirt Show, which required postering and screenprinting before the big day. Shirt designs were submitted by students, faculty, and alumni, and the shirts (and tote bags!) were sold to raise money for the design program.
A special thanks from T-Shirt Show 2019 organizers Jessica Peng and Bryan Gelderbloom: “Even though T-Shirt Show is traditionally a BFA3 run event, this year it was made possible only by the collaboration of the entire department. The biggest thank yous to Trey Brothers and Megan Kim for printing with us until the sun was up and securing our event. Thank you to Chandler Sutton, Ethan Östling, and Joe Suh for helping us achieve the most ambitious poster we’ve ever made and sticking with us until the end. Thank you to Chandler, Ethan, Trey, Megan, Oona Lei, Gian Montes, Tiana Li, Marshall Wang, Melody Ou, Jaimey Shapey, Benjamin Macias, Alex Cheng, Es Youn, Grace Rosenman, Alejandro Cerutti (and anyone else we are forgetting!) for helping sell our shirts day of. Thank you to the near fifty students, alum, and faculty who supported our event by submitting a design. And, finally, thank you to everyone who stopped by and bought something to help support our program!”